Car tips

Tips for Identifying Upgraded or Facelifted Cars & Avoiding Scams When Buying a Brand New Car

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Car facelifting is quickly becoming rampant in Nigeria, with many car owners rushing towards upgrading their vehicles instead of purchasing new ones. For many, this is a cost-saving strategy, and also a way to upgrade their vehicles to the latest models. For others, it’s a way to hide some of the issues the vehicle has from potential buyers.

While car upgrade leaves a vehicle having some similarities to newer models, it still comes with a lot of disadvantages. One major disadvantage is resulting in car fires and other mechanical malfunctions over time.

So, how do you identify a car has been upgraded before making the purchase? In this article, we share how to quickly identify upgraded vehicles, and how to also avoid falling prey to car-buying scams in Nigeria.

How to Identify a Facelifted or Upgraded Vehicle

An upgraded car mainly comes with some changes to its exterior look compared to its previous model. The common changes can be easily spotted in areas like the front grille, headlights, taillights, bumpers, and bodywork, that have undergone modifications.

How do you find this out? Look up the year and model of the car you’re buying online and compare its exterior features to the previous model year. Another helpful way is by consulting a professional mechanic, as they are more experienced and will provide you with information about the specific features of your car.

Another tip is to check the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).  If your car has been facelifted, it may have a different production date or a different VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) from the previous model year. 

Common Car Scams in Nigeria & How to Avoid Falling for Them

While reselling upgraded cars as new cars is one of the major ways car scamming is carried out in Nigeria, there are other methods of car scamming in Nigeria. Here are some of them and how to easily identify them.

  1. Vehicle Title Washing 

Always inspect a vehicle for damage when you want to purchase one even if it looks brand new. It is advisable to get a vehicle history report from a reliable source before purchasing a car. This helps you identify if the car has suffered issues like flood damage or been wrecked by accident.

It also helps you identify if the vehicle is a stolen car. Such cars might still look new after they have been repaired but they end up giving lots of problems to the unlucky buyer that gets them.

Scammers title-wash cars to wipe off the salvaged status. Some sellers do this especially when they feel they will make enough profit from a car.

  1. Fake-certified Used Cars

Most car dealers offer fake certification to car buyers. However, this isn’t possible if you are purchasing your vehicle from a reputable dealer. As such, if you think a private seller might be unreliable, it’s best to purchase from a trusted dealer to save you any stress. 

  1. Hidden Engine Problems

There are cases where diesel oil is used in place of regular oil in newly purchased cars. Some car dealers do this because diesel oils can mask car engine problems temporarily. You should be wary of this and always inspect a vehicle with a professional mechanic before purchase.

  1. Reduced Payment Car Scams

Very often, you could see a vehicle sold at N30,000,000 being sold for less than N10,000,000 by a reseller. This is usually a vehicle red flag, especially when the vehicle is in good shape. While this might seem like a steal to you, it could quickly backfire. Once a vehicle in good condition is being sold to you below its cost price, there are chances that’s a scam.


Stay wary of car sellers who try to sell vehicles to you without allowing you room to thoroughly inspect the vehicle. A reliable dealer will inform you about the condition of the vehicle, including if it’s been upgraded or not.

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