Car tips

Here Are the Dangerous Driving Habits That Could Kill You

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State-of-the-art safety systems accompany today’s vehicles to protect drivers from the unexpected. Unfortunately, automakers have yet to find a way to prevent distracted driving, a common occurrence on roadways nationwide. 

Taking your eyes off the road, even briefly, can end in catastrophe. Younger drivers are the biggest offenders, with six out of 10 car crashes involving distracted driving.

Several common driving distractions can take your attention away from the road. Learning how to avoid these dangerous behaviours can save not only your own life but also the lives of others.

  1. Avoid Texting or Talking on your Phone While Driving

Car safety agencies report that the “most alarming distraction” is texting. It claims that “sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed.”

Driving is a task that requires your full attention. According to the experts, any activity that diverts your focus can create a distraction, increasing your risk of crashing.

  1. Avoid Eating and Drinking While Driving

More than 21% of young drivers eat while driving. Experts explain that visual, manual, and cognitive distractions occur when drivers are focused on eating. Instead of keeping their eyes on the road, drivers are unwrapping food packaging, holding the meal with one hand, using a napkin, applying condiments, and trying to grasp beverages. 

These tasks make paying attention while driving virtually impossible. So, the next time you drive, eat in a parking lot or wait until you get home to dig into your meal.

  1. Avoid Talking to People in Your Car

Vehicle occupants can be distractions when driving the kids to school or taking a road trip. Experts say talking to other passengers can create a dangerous distraction while driving. Some states have even gone as far as to limit the number of passengers young drivers can have. 

  1. Avoid Fiddling with the Infotainment or Navigation System While Driving

The latest technology has made infotainment systems valuable tools for assisting drivers. But they can also lead to risky behaviour that can increase the likelihood of crashes. You should set up your navigation system before taking off. 

A study found that “drivers take an average of 40 seconds to fiddle around with their navigation, which, if done while moving, is 40 seconds where you are distracted.” The problem has gotten so bad that automakers have installed lock features to prohibit infotainment system use while driving.


Driving is enough risk. Do not add to it by engaging in risky activities while driving. Avoiding this habits will save you in the long run.

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